2 thoughts on “The June 24, 2024 issue of Revitalizing Naturism has just been published”

  1. Where do I find the blog? I’ve been once to a naturist beach and never felt so natural. I was going to go to another today. But the weather didn’t live up to the forecast. I’d like to learn about beach etiquette and immerse myself a bit more before I join, or subscribe to anything. So, to find that blog would be a great first step.

    1. Geoff, you posted this on the Naturistplace blog, which is related to the Revitalizing Naturism newsletter. You can find the newsletter at https://naturistplace.substack.com/

      There are several other naturist newsletters on Substack. for which you’ll find links on the RN home page. There are many articles about naturism on the Naturistplace blog itself – and numerous other sources. However, since you’re in the UK, the best source of relevant information is British Naturism – https://www.bn.org.uk/

      You’ve also been approved to join the Revitalizing Naturism group on Facebook. Feel free to ask questions there if you wish.

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