2 thoughts on “The fifth issue of Revitalizing Naturism has just been published”

  1. Every article I read is designed for people that want to get together with others Nudists and enjoy life but nothing is said about the single person that wants to meet other singles for dating and to enjoy The world of nudism with. I am a single male that has trouble finding other nudist singles for dating purposes and to enjoy the world of nudism with what’s to be done about this problem? Where is a single person go to meet other single in the same mindset. There are certain websites that do cater to nudist singles but those websites are far and few between And sometimes they’re populated by people that just want to hook up. Everybody seems to have a hang up about the human body out in the textile world we in America are still hung up about the human body but other countries accepted and embraced it social nudism. Too bad we can’t educate the rest of the world the textile world.

    1. Every article I read is designed for people that want to get together with others Nudists and enjoy life but nothing is said about the single person that wants to meet other singles for dating and to enjoy the world of nudism with what’s to be done about this problem?

      The sad fact is that even dating sites for single people in general don’t work very well for the intended purpose. At least that’s my impression, since I haven’t used such sites. And most dating sites “for nudists” are just frauds.

      It’s not clear from your question whether you’re looking for a same-sex or opposite-sex person to date. So I’ll assume the latter. To begin with, you just need to accept the fact that in most naturist places, the male/female ratio is 3-to-1, 10-to-1, or worse. And most of the women who participate aren’t single. That’s just the way it is, at least in the U.S.

      The clear implication of this is that for a single male naturist to find someone to date, the best thing to do is what anyone who’s not a naturist would do. That means not only online dating sites, but all the traditional ways of dating besides. The search begins among people you already know, or by asking people you know if they’re aware of others interested in dating. If you’ve read my substack article on using your social network to find naturists, the same ideas apply to finding any type of dating partner.

      Since most people who’re not naturists have very little idea of what naturism is really about, it’s best NOT to specify that you’re a naturist who’s looking for another naturist to date. Most non-naturists will simply ignore you, except for rare instances who’re open-minded and would actually consider dating a naturist. But when you do arrange a date, once you’ve met them in person, explain that you’re a naturist and go on to explain what naturism actually is and why you enjoy it. They’ll either say that’s of no interest to them or they’d like to learn more. Then take it from there, but try to enjoy the first date anyhow.

      Another thing to seriously consider is spending as much time as you can afford visiting naturist places in Europe during the summer (especially England, France, Germany, Spain, or Croatia). You’ll have a better chance of meeting a naturist of the opposite sex over there. Of course, if you want a long-term relationship, either you or the other person should be willing to relocate. Canada might be a possibility too, especially near Vancouver, where there’s a popular clothing-optional beach.

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