Now that many of us are pretty much confined at home most of the time, that’s going to be pretty bad for naturism, isn’t it? No, it isn’t! When life tosses you lemons you make lemonade, right? It’s a huge new opportunity. Although there are prospects that “social distancing” requirements may be gradually lifting in the near future (or maybe not), society and individual social interactions are going to be different for quite some time – perhaps indefinitely.
For example, many knowledgable observers are now speculating that even after the pandemic subsides, working from home using Zoom and similar tools will become much more prevalent, whenever feasible. There are various good reasons – besides avoiding contagious diseases – why daily commutes between home and the office may become a thing of the past for many. The advantages are obvious for lots of employees whose work can be done at home. Commuting can waste one or two hours a day (or more), it’s expensive, it’s stressful, and it contributes to traffic accidents, air pollution, and global warming. Without needing to go into an office every day, it’s possible to move away from urban areas where housing costs are high. There’s little need to wear uncomfortable and expensive clothes – or any clothes at all. Here’s one article listing 10 of the advantages.
But there are definite advantages for employers as well. Such as not having to own or rent as much office space and parking lots for commuter vehicles, having lower utility expenses in smaller office buildings (which can also be located in less expensive places), and having employees who are happier and better rested. So both employers and employees can benefit if much more work is done at home. Such considerations are why working from home is likely to become increasingly the new normal for many people.
This article from British Naturism – The world Zooms…but BN grabs the headlines – started me thinking of many ways that “video commuting” could lead to some very positive developments for naturists. Besides the obvious opportunity to spend a lot more time naked even when doing one’s job.
British Naturism seems determined to be the most innovative and active national naturist organization in the world. In particular, they are doing their best to keep naturists interested and involved, despite the pandemic. BN has been very dedicated, during recent but more normal times, in organizing and sponsoring a diversity of naturist activities for its members in the UK. (In some contrast to efforts of U. S. naturist organizations.)
Although opportunities for “normal” social activities are drastically limited at present, BN has done its best to keep naturism in the news, by getting publicity for many ways that people can enjoy nudity even when confined to their homes. A case in point is this article in a popular British tabloid: Bored brits are stripping off and doing naked yoga, nude baking and boozing in a virtual ‘naked pub’ during lockdown.
As the title of the BN article slyly suggests, some naturists have (like many people in general) enthusiastically taken to Zoom and other computer-based video-conferencing tools as a means of staying in touch with friends and family in spite of “social distancing”. That trend has strongly accelerated, since the same technologies are being used routinely for people to continue working at their usual jobs from home.
Some naturists have already noticed the potential uses of video technology for social nudity. I posted about How naturists should cope with the pandemic’s disruption just over a week ago. There I mentioned a fine article from The Meandering Naturist. The Naturist Wanderings blog has a couple of relevant articles here and here. And this is only the beginning. Since naturists are finding themselves home much of the time, there’s nothing stopping them from being naked most of that time, especially as summer is coming to the northern hemisphere. This will significantly magnify any interest in naturism that someone already has.
Although naturist socializing by video cannot replace traditional naturist activities, such as festivals, swims, parties at home, and naturist sporting events, video technology opens up an entirely new range of activities. Some of the possibilities are mentioned in the articles cited. These include naked yoga classes, cooking lessons, and exercise/fitness classes. But with even a little imagination, naturists can think of many other things to do the same way – and without any clothes. Naturists can show off and teach others about their hobbies – sewing, knitting, woodwork, automobile maintenance, gardening, pet grooming, origami, etc. Sessions for sketching and painting of volunteer nude models are almost a foregone conclusion.
There are obvious possibilities, too, for naturists with performative talents in vocal or instrumental music, dance, stand-up comedy, monologues, magic, etc. to demonstrate their skills, and entertain other naturists remotely. Small groups of amateur thespians could even put on skits and plays for other naturists.
One concern naturists may have is about who might be watching you and others who are (virtually) present. Video sessions of the type under consideration are always private in terms of who is able to access them. (That’s required for business use, of course.) Normally, one person (perhaps yourself) who’s in charge of the virtual meeting will provide access details and possibly passwords to anyone who’s invited. You should be able to see anyone else who’s able to see you. However, a degree of trust is still involved, so that everyone’s confident about who the organizer might include in the event. (And note that even with in-person get-togethers there may be some folks who aren’t already acquainted with everyone else.)
Just keep in mind the things that make using this technology especially compelling for naturists, quite apart from any necessity due to the pandemic. All of this can be done at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. Not only that, but naturists can reach a larger circle of other naturists than would otherwise be possible only for people living near each other. Relatively small, private naturist groups can form to socialize with naturists from almost anywhere in the world. Did you meet congenial naturists on your last visit to Florida, Croatia, or France? Then invite them to meet (virtually) your local naturist friends – and suggest you’d like to meet their naturist friends.
Please comment if you’ve had experience with this kind of naturism already.
YES I have done nude cam with women although most men don’t like it yet we still get along I like to cam nude with every one when I can I enjoy it most of the people that want to reply all enjoy it i’ll cam nude with anyone that contacts me I love itmy name and address is supplied here to frank
Thanks for the shout out!
As a former editor of British Naturism magazine, I’ve written an article on this very subject in the June edition of H&E magazine
Hi, Martin. Would you care to summarize your article for folks who don’t subscribe to H&E?
The magazine isn’t published until May 21 and I’m afraid I have to give them exclusivity – that’s a basic rule of the writing trade. After then, I’ll happily write and talk about it as much as you want.